Asian Gourmet

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故鄉食府是一家位于Concord的地道中餐廳。開業十五年來,為顧客提供純正中餐以及日本料理,深受周邊顧客喜愛。如果您有什麽特殊需求,請告訴我們,我們的專業廚師將為您特別烹飪您想要的各種傳統美味。 故鄉食府的小吃種類繁多,許多原料從台灣直接引進,精心製作。菜譜中的牛肉捲餅,小籠湯包,豆腐皮,李師傅牛肉麵,態勢鍋貼等都大受歡迎。週末還有燒餅,油條,豆漿等供應。 以做牛肉麵著名的李師傅與其夫人阿珠最近加盟故鄉食府。他們夫婦二人擅長製作各式台灣小吃和麵食。從2008年開始,他們已先後在波士頓地區開辦幾家餐館,為大家提供可口家鄉小吃與麵點。目前他們正與其他同仁一起全力打造故鄉食府品牌。他們的理念是,要讓身在異鄉的同胞品嚐到家鄉口味,感受到家鄉的溫暖。 歡迎大家前來本店一飽口福!


周五至周六 11:30am-9:30pm 周日至周四 11:30am-9:00pm

地址:794 Elm St, Concord, MA 01742
注册会员: 2012

"Try this restaurant! Excellent food, particularly for the suburbs. Go directly to the Chinese authentic part of the menu--skip the americanized portion. The food is freshly made, tasty, with none of the homogenous bland taste and identical menus of so many Chinese restaurants in the area. Owners are great also. Try smoked duck leg appetizer, eggplant is great, egg drop soup, explore." -- Mark A. from Acton, MA "This was a wonderful find. The menu has both American style as well as authentic Chinese foo. The waiter noted we were a little perplexed by the menu and suggested we try the smoked duck leg and eggplant when we said we wanted to try the authentic menu. Both were excellent. There was a family with three tween girls seated at grill. The cook put on a nice show for them as he cooked in front of them. Overall it was both tasty and friendly." -- John D. fromProvidence, RI

分类: 餐饮中餐


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