Le's Salon & Beauty

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紫菱髮型美容中心是波士頓一家專業美容沙龍。位于市中心的中国城,十分便利。無論您要求的風格是什麼, 本店都有專業髮型師為您悉心設計和修剪髮型,令您在任何場合都能充滿信心和散發魅力。
多年来我們在波士頓建立了良好聲譽,並有幸得到眾多忠誠顧客長期擁戴, 有口皆碑。 我们使用專業理髮用品為客人服務,保證您的秀髮能得到最好的護理。 我們还提供多種美容, 護膚,深層去皺緊膚療程, 背部護理, 手部護理等等。我們將让您更美麗!

脫墨 , 肉粒 電眼睫毛
日式電眼睫毛 清雅化妝
晚宴化妝 新娘化妝
熱臘脫毛 去除化角細胞及漂白
舒緩戶按摩 局部減肥
洗吹 洗剪吹
小童剪髮 晚會髮型
電髮 日式電髮
陶瓷電髮 負離子
焗油 染髮
顏色護理 底色加挑染
挑染 更多
植眉紋眼線潤紅唇 高級皮膚護理
法國骨膠原人皮面膜 純羊胎素養顏保膚療程
特別治療服務 超聲波導入精華素
熱臘脫毛 去除化角細胞及漂白
維生素深層修護 眼部收緊療程
頸部護理 美目修護療程
最新儀器服務 更多

地址:10 Kneeland Street Boston, MA 02111
电话:617-338-9898 , 617 350 3137
注册会员: 2011

Okay, I'm sold. After sobbing over the lost of my one love (my stylist, Brian, at Mian Tian Sing) after moving to Boston from Manhattan, telling myself I would drive to NYC for a haircut in the future, denying the existence of good salons in Boston, and finally accepting Yelp's suggestions to try out Le's Beauty Salon, I can finally say that I have found peace, and my new salon for the future. I went to Le's on a whim today. I had just gotten a haircut last month in NYC after getting my hair re-colored, but the guy (not Brian, Brian does no wrong) didn't cut my bangs the way I wanted them cut and it has been driving me CRAZY. I even tried cutting my own bangs in a sad attempt to fix them. I finally had enough today and went to Le's. Typical hair cuts cost $25. I just washed my hair so I had them cut it dry without another wash or any styling. It cost me $20 and 15 minutes, and I have never been happier. I showed my stylist, Sam, a picture of what my bangs should look like and he quickly made them look the way I wanted them to look. My request was simple, but it was done well and not at a hefty price (the last hair cut that fcked up my bangs was $60...). Apparently Juju is the girl to ask for here, so I'll definitely try that next time!

-Shani T Boston, MA


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