By:Dr. Denise NagelPsychiatrist, Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association丹妮丝格尔博士精神科医生,美国精神病学协会Ming Wu Ph.D.Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Tui Na Therapist and Tai Chi Master978-790-8888 (Cell)45 South Main St. Suite 100, West Hartford, CT 0610776 Nason St., Maynard, MA 01754200 Lincoln St. Suite 301, Boston MA 02111Website: www.wuhealing.com吳明傑博士中醫博士,推拿治療師和太極拳大師978-790-8888(電話)。南大街100單元45號,西哈特福德,區號06107,內森街76號,梅納德,區號 01754林肯街301單元200號,波士頓,區號02111網站
I want to tell you a little about myself before I launch into some of the possible health benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong.在开始说明太极和气功的健康效益之前我想讲述一些关于我自己的情况。I am a physician. I attended Dartmouth Medical School. I trained as a pediatrician at Duke and then trained as a psychiatrist at Mass General Hospital. I was happily seeing patients and raising my then 13-year-old twins when I was diagnosed with a unique autoimmune disease in 2005 and smoldering multiple myeloma in 2008 and my life got turned upside down.我本人是位內科醫生。參加過達特茅斯醫學院的課程,作爲兒科醫生受訓于杜克醫院,後又作爲精神科醫生受訓于麻省總醫院。當我忙于接診患者、養育13歲的雙胞胎時,卻在2005年被診斷患有一種獨特的自身免疫性疾病,接著又于2008年被確診患有郁積型多發性骨髓瘤,這令我的生活發生了天翻地覆的改變。I have lived now for 10 years with an autoimmune disease that defies diagnosis and a blood marker for multiple myeloma that required repeated bone marrow biopsies. Mercifully, Enbrel has kept me out of pain and the multiple myeloma markers have been stable and have actually decreased. The doctors removed the diagnosis of smoldering myeloma and now have returned to calling it monoclonal gamopathy of unknown significance (MGUS).我患有一種難以診斷的自身免疫性疾病和血液樣本需要反複骨髓活檢的多發性骨髓瘤,現今爲止已經帶病生活了10年。幸運的是,Enbrel([醫]etanercept的商品名,由Immunex公司研制。用于治療類風濕性關節炎)已經讓我免于疼痛而且多發性骨髓瘤血液樣本很穩定,且已經明顯下降。醫生取出骨髓瘤的診斷現在已經重新認爲是未定義的單克隆gamopathy(MGUS)[醫][=monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance]意義未定的單克隆丙種球蛋白病; 。I have learned some things through this journey that I never learned in medical school. I learned to trust my instincts and listen to what my body was telling me. I began to apply my scientific mind to pursuing the discovery of what helps me, and I have tried to pay exquisite attention to the feedback I get from my adventures. I shifted from giving lip service to the concept of mind-body to a really trying to understand what it means in theory and in practice. This is how I came to study Qigong and Tai Chi and why I now teach these ancient healing techniques.通過這次經曆我學到了一些我在醫學院從未學到的東西。我學會了相信我的直覺,聽從我的身體告訴我的。我開始運用我的科學精神去追求探索可以幫助我的東西,我也試著集中精力反饋從我的遭遇中獲得的經驗。我從口頭服務的概念轉向一個真正的嘗試去理解它在理論和實踐中的意思。這就是我如何來學習氣功和太極和我現在傳授這些古老的治療技術的原因。Let me be very clear. It is not a choice between Eastern and Western medicine for me, only medicine that works. I am grateful for the relief that Enbrel provides. I meet with my rheumatologist and my hematologist and listen to their counsel. I have been able to significantly reduce the dose of the medication from 50 mg to 12.5 mg, and my doctors tell me at every visit... keep doing what you are doing.我很清楚。對我來說它不是對東方和西方醫學的一種選擇,僅僅只是一項能達到療效的治療方式。我衷心感激Enbrel提供的救濟。我與我的風濕病醫生和血液分析師面談,聽取他們的建議。我已經能夠將藥物的劑量從50毫克顯著地減少到12.5毫克,每次複診我的醫生都告訴我,…繼續做你正在做的事情。I do Qigong or Tai Chi every day. I think of it as medicine, too. Can I say for sure that it has worked for me? Not with a double blind study, but I do believe that my investigations have led me to a plan which has helped me and maybe could help you, too. At my last visit my rheumatologist told me that the Tai Chi and Qigong have probably helped my bone density stabilize at osteopenia. Let me tell you some of what I have learned through my experience.我每天練習氣功或太極。我也把它看作藥。我可以肯定它真的對我很有用。我相信我的調查不是一個雙盲的研究,而是一個自助也可以助人的項目。我的醫生在我上一次去拜訪時告訴我,太極和氣功極有可能幫助治愈我的骨質疏松,維持骨密度。讓我告訴你我所學到的經驗。Calming the mind and calming the body allows healing. Strengthening the muscles through simple postures and movements prevents falls. Moving with flow and gentle weight bearing helps balance and can positively impact bone density. Achieving a relaxed state of the mind reduces stress. These are some of the simple premises that underlie the health benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi.身心平靜有利于康複。通過簡單的姿勢和動作,加強肌肉,防止跌倒。動、輕負重有助于平衡,並能顯著影響骨密度。達到放松的心態,減少壓力。這些都是一些簡單的前提下,氣功和太極的健康效益的基礎。My teacher, Dr. Ming Wu, introduces tai chi walking during the first beginning tai chi class because he believes it is much simpler to learn and done properly achieves all of the benefits of a much more complicated tai chi form.我的老師,吳明傑博士,在第一次開始太極班就介紹了太極步法,因爲他認爲它學習起來非常簡單有利于正確地完成更爲複雜的太極的套路。Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention to open blockages in the body based on the same meridian system used in acupuncture. The movements are fairly easy to learn and allow access to everyone. To begin to benefit from Qigong you do not have to be fit, you don't have to be flexible; you don't even have to be able to stand up. The exercises can be modified for almost anyone with patience that wants to learn.氣功是一種中國傳統的保健、養生、祛病的方法,以身體活動的調整、呼吸的調整和意識的調整(調息,調形,調心)爲手段來打通身體的經絡常配合針灸練氣。這些動作相當容易學習且適應于任何人。要開始受益于氣功,你不必是健康的,你不必是靈活的,你甚至不必能站起來。只要有耐心有意願幾乎任何人都可以練習氣功。Sometimes Qigong and Tai Chi are called a moving meditation in which the mind and body are led to a state of balance and equilibrium also known as homeostasis. AHarvard medical publication said it should also be called 'moving medication.' The advantages of improving strength, flexibility and balance are pretty obvious but theadvantages of peace that comes from the moving flowing meditative aspect of Qigong and Tai Chi are equally important.有時,氣功和太極被稱爲一種運動的冥想,它的思想和身體都會趨于一種平衡狀態,平衡也被稱爲穩態。哈佛醫學刊物說它也應該被稱爲“移動的藥物”。強健身體,靈活性和平衡的優勢是相當明顯的,但來自氣功和太極拳運動冥想方面的平靜的優點是同樣重要的。When the body is in a state of balance all the systems work better.當身體處于平衡狀態時,身體系統才能更好運作。Much of the tendency to this internal balance is happening all of the time totally out of our awareness. With very little conscious input from us, our bodies are working to keep us in a state of homeostasis, that is, everything just so. The fight-flight reaction vs. the relaxation response is an example of the body tending toward homeostasis.這種內在平衡的趨勢大部分都是在我們的意識中發生的。我們對我們的意識很小,我們的身體正在努力使我們處于一種平衡狀態,即所有的一切。對抗飛行反應與放松反應是身體走向穩態的一個例子。But in our stressed out world many of us are living in a continuous state of stress without even being aware of it. Without practice the relaxation response doesn't always occur. Qigong and Tai Chi can help us return to homeostasis and the relaxation response.但是我們中的許多人都生活在一個不連續外界壓力下的狀態下,我們甚至沒有意識到它。沒有練習,放松反應並不是經常發生。氣功和太極可以幫助我們恢複平衡和放松反應。In addition to our tendency to stress there is a second profound tendency to move less as we develop physical limitations. Often the two occur together but either alone can lead to a downward spiral.除了緩解壓力之外我們傾向于強調在我們少動中開發身體的局限性。兩者相互相承,但不是任何一個人都可以達到這個境界。The health benefits from Qigong and Tai Chi comes about both by supporting the body's natural tendency to return to balance and equilibrium and also gently yet profoundly creating strength, flexibility and balance in the muscles and joints through gentle flowing movements. This is the winning combination: body and mind. The physical and mental practice continuously supports the return to balance.氣功和太極對健康的好處是對由支撐身體的自然傾向回歸平衡,同時通過柔和流暢的動作漸漸強健身體,煅燒肌肉和關節的靈活性和平衡性。這是身心雙贏。身體和精神的練習不斷地支持回歸平衡。This is an exercise that requires no equipment. It can be done anywhere, inside or outside. Ithas a track record of thousands of years and shares much in common with yoga but many find it less difficult and you don't have to get on the floor!這是一個不需要任何裝備的運動。它可以在任何地方練習,室內或者室外。它有著幾千年的曆史記錄,和瑜伽有很多共同點,但沒有瑜伽那麽高難度,也不用要地板上練習!