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Donny Shi,中國名石承東, 他是麻省持牌按摩師,推拿治療師; 出生醫生世家, 畢業於上海中醫學院。對於推拿有較深的理解和工作經驗, 因為熱愛推拿工作, 所以在三十年的實驗中累積了豐富的經驗。運用經絡、穴位、五行等傳統的技法及功力深厚的推拿手法,技法精進。來美國近十年受到很多病患及一般保健需要者的讚許和推崇。Donny對於痛症有獨特見解,內科疾病調理的輔助療效也相當岀色。

Benjamin Shi,中國名石璧彰,同為麻省持牌按摩師,子承父業,現與父親共同在Boston Chinatown經營HERBS DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE,Ben從業近十年,充分學習中西方按摩推拿的精華,以優秀的推拿按摩技法幫助客戶。

和博 按摩推拿服務包括:

  • Tui Na massage Therapeutic Massage
  • Use of Meridians
  • Acupuncture Points
  • Five Elements of Traditional Methods
  • Swedish Massage.
  • Chinese herbal hot pack healing.

Business hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 5pm
Sunday Closed
Thu&Fri accept out-call, please call for details

Address: 65 Harrison Ave, Unit #506 Boston, MA 02111 (Santander Bank旁)
Phone: 617-888-9161 , 857-544-9957
Member since: 2012

My friend brought me to Donny 3 weeks ago who helped her and me with shoulder, back, neck and arm pain. It's amazing that I could immediately feel the difference after the first session, and the treatment even helped me sleep better. So precious for someone like me with long history of insomnia. Today is my third visit and I'm glad they have their own office now. Be aware it's not a massage place for relax purpose, so you should have some pain tolerance to achieve the therapeutic result. For me that's not a problem, but even you have low tolerance level, just tell them and they will adjust the pressure. Both Donny and Ben are very nice, will definitely come back.

 —— Chauncy L. 3/28/2018

I am so glad I found this place. I was skeptical at first because I tried many places before and result was good once I walked out but the pain of my back and legs kept coming back in a few days. However, this place really fixed my problem well. It has been a week now. I still feel fine. I will definitely go back there again.


我的50肩痛病快一年了。经过很多不同的很好的按摩师的治疗和针灸治疗,已经达到90%的恢复。但是这10%就很难恢复了。好几个月了,好的进展很慢,反反复复的。 Donny 检查了我全身的经络后告诉我说,我的右肩痛问题,是右腿经络不通造成的。如果光做肩膀,是难以恢复的。就像下水道堵塞,光清理局部是没有用的,要把所有的通路打通的。于是他从我的右腿部开始穴位按摩... 对我来说,这是一个重大突破!!!做完治疗,我起身试一试我的右臂,没想到疼痛真的减少了好多。又动了几下,发现很多动作居然不痛了!!我很兴奋,我的疼痛了一年的肩部大有希望痊愈了!

-- Mrs. Wang, August 2012

Where would I be without Donny?

I can tell you I would still be in a lot of pain. In January of this year (2011), I was at my wits end. I had pain in my upper and lower back and I was depressed and wondering how I was going to continue to take care of my 94 year old father. I was headed for my sixth year of caring for him. I was feeling so desperate because I was so overweight, in fact, I couldn’t even lift my legs to rest my ankles on my knee to put my shoes on. I really didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning anymore. I decided I had to do something for myself and my health or just give up.

I started seeing Donny for Tuina massages once a week. There are no words to express how grateful I am to Donny for his knowledge, techniques and for the healing skills he used to relieve my pain and help me lose weight. I am 50lbs lighter and able to do so much more…like caring for my dad and playing with my four year old granddaughter without agonizing pains in my back and legs and neck. Now, I can spend hours walking with my granddaughter, and before walking to the car from the house was a chore. Those are the major things that Donny has treated and relieved, but he has also treated my sinus infections, a strained ankle I could barely walk on (I could walk the next day without pain) and those periods of stress that threaten to drag my health down.

My 64 year old brother was really suffering from body pain from too many years repairing cars. He is now finding great relief from Tuina massages with Donny. I also take my Dad, who will be 95 in January 2012, for massages with Donny for relief from pain in his back, knees, legs and to keep him walking independently. Donny's treatments have been successful for both of them.

I have learned a great deal from Donny and from the Healing Center as well, about finding the root cause of my problems and self-healing. I look forward to every massage and every bit of knowledge I can gain to keep myself healthy, so that I can feel better and better every day.


-- Dale Brewer, December 2011


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