
North American Chorus Association

The association is composed of a council, a management team, choruses, and music specialists.  The Chairman of NACA is nominated by the council. Currently, NACA invites more than 300 singers from choruses in Greater Boston, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.  

The affiliated choruses include Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus, Andover Chorus, the Century Chinese Chorus of Framingham, All Connecticut Chinese Chorus, Mulan Arts Group, Acton Chinese Language School Chorus, Sharon Chinese Language School Chorus, and Chinese Chorale of Rhode Island.

NACA welcomes choral groups and musical artists to join the association and participate in our musical events and seminars.  If you are interested in joining NACA, email us at info@naca135.org

留 美华人企业家联合会1999年成立,是非政治性,非宗教和非盈利组织,采用会员制,会员组成:在美华人企业家, CEO、著名商学院教授、投资专家, 律师、有志于创业的各行各业人士。 - See more at: http://www.hhlink.com/link/www.ocean-usa.org/%E7%95%99%E7%BE%8E%E5%8D%8E...
◦ 提供会员信息交流论坛;
◦ 成为中美企业相互了解,发展合作,创造商机的桥梁;
◦ 提供最佳商业实践,管理和投资技巧培训;
◦ 促进帮助中小型企业,创造更多就业机会
◦ 提供,促进在美华人的创业机会和项目, 提高其管理, 领
◦ 提供中美教育,科技和文化交流平台 - See more at: http://www.hhlink.com/link/www.ocean-usa.org/%E7%95%99%E7%BE%8E%E5%8D%8E...
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