
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会



刘羽西,毕业于美国 Longy 音乐学院大提琴演奏专业。4岁起跟随张文燕老师学习钢琴。 历经五年的刻苦学习,打下了坚实的音乐基础,11岁时考出钢琴演奏级。刘羽西9岁开始学习大提琴演奏,先后师从张文燕老师和李勇老师。她学习认真,练琴非常刻苦!2004年, 年仅12岁的她在参加全国首届 “爱琴杯” 大提琴比赛中,获得演奏二等奖。2006年,刘羽西考入上海音乐学院附中师从刘大海教授;在校的5年期间积极参与乐队排练和演出,2009年,跟随赵晓欧指挥及学校小乐团出访德国进行音乐文化交流,由于大家演奏默契而受到赞誉。她曾多次组织和举办过各种音乐活动,担任过上海少年宫大提琴老师,积累了丰富的教学和组织活动的经验; 经过6年在上海音乐学院附中的艰苦磨练,打造了扎实的演奏技术和音乐表现力,于2012年顺利考入美国 Longy 音乐学院。


Biography of Yuxi Liu

Yuxi Liu has bachelor degree in cello of LongyMusic School. Studied piano with Ms.Wenyan Zhang since when she was 4. By theage of 11, Yuxi obtain her piano performance certificate. However, when she was9, she started studying cello with Mr. Yong Li. By 2004, with the knowledge andskill from both piano and cello, Yuxi at the age of 12 was able to compete inthe first ever Chinese “Aiqin” cello competition and became 2nd place. 2006,Yuxi was accepted by the Music Middle School of Shanghai Conservatory and wasstudying under Professor Dahai Liu. 2009, Yuxi followed school’s orchestra withconductor Xiaoou Zhao to Germany to perform and doing study exchange. Over theyears, Yuxi Liu has performed in many orchestra, music festivals, and also SoloConcert. She has also taught cello and piano to kids at the children's palace.With excellent skills in cello and prolific knowledge in classical music, Yuxiwas accepted by Longy School of Music of Bard College in 2012.

During the BCMA “Dreams of the Red Chamber” Theme Song concert, Yuxi is,responsible for the bass part playing the celloetc.

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