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李照原, 高级软件工程师,于1988来北美。他自幼喜爱文艺,兴趣多元广泛,热爱声乐,朗诵和舞台艺术。多年来致力于弘扬中华文化,努力为华人社区服务,积极促进东西方文化交流,应邀在大陆,香港和台湾华侨的诸多庆祝活动中演唱歌曲和担任节目主持人,受到了华人和主流社会的喜爱和认可。

他多次受邀参与筹划波士顿地区的大型文艺活动,并以专业水准的中英文担任节目主持。他主持的多个大型文艺活动有《大波士顿地区第五届亚美节》,《东西互联波士顿地区春节文艺晚会》,《波士顿地区华人华侨 “百年圆梦,中秋同庆” - “庆奥运,迎中秋” 文艺晚会》等等。自2006以来,连续主持诸多亚裔社区和组织一年一度的春节联欢会和周年庆典, 包括《波士顿京津同乡会》,《全美亚裔妇女会麻省分会》等等。虽然常常忙的不亦乐乎,但他依然认认真真,一心一意地努力把精彩的节目最好地奉献给观众。


李照原来美后加入了多个文艺团体和合唱团,担任男高音的合唱及领唱,包括黄河艺术团,东方之声合唱团, 剑桥(MIT)合唱团,大波士顿文协(GBCCA)合唱团,等。曾随东方之声合唱团参加2006年第四届世界合唱比赛。共有90多个国家,超过350个合唱团参加了比赛,荣获混声合唱银奖和民歌铜奖。

李照原还被邀请参加过话剧和电影的拍摄。作为北美枫香戏剧社主创人员之一,出演了话剧《海外剩女》中的医学博士。 他曾于2003年主演了由杨有新博士编导的故事片 《静火》 (”Silent Fire”) 中的男主角-何志远。 该部影片反映了当代中国知识分子在异国奋斗不息以及个人和家庭的感情纠葛。《静火》(108分钟)入围了2005年纽约国际电影节,并在77部入选作品中夺得 “最佳外国语故事片” 等奖项。

他积极参加华人社区的活动,如:2016.02.20 全美华裔大游行(大波士顿地区),为华人的权益呐喊,为华人后代发声。他热心参与敬老,爱老,助老活动,如:《剑桥中国文化中心夕阳红活动站》波士顿公演 (2014年,2015年,2016年), 中国城老人公寓的春节慰问演出 (2016年),等。

Author: 戴晨方律師

Copyright Act is a federal statute. It protects nearly all original works “fixed in any tangible medium of expression.” This includes article, books, movies, music, and web sites. Digital creations are protected by copyright law as well.


Work should be “original” and display “at least some minimal degree of creativity”. In the academic world, Copyright Act protects the EXPRESSION of facts or ideas as embodied in a work but not the underlying facts or ideas.


Owner of the copyright work has the exclusive right to:


· make copies of the work;

· distribute the work;

· display or perform the work publicly; and

· create derivative works based on the original work, such as adapting a novel into a movie, translating a work into a foreign language, or otherwise modifying a work.


The copyright in a work is usually owned by the author with exceptions. When a work is created within the scope of one’s employment, or “ordered or commissioned for use as” some specific circumstances defined by Copyright Act, ownership does not belong to the author, but the employer or whoever commissions the work. No affirmative steps are needed to establish the ownership rights. The Copyright Act, however, provides that a company or more than one person may own the work jointly.


Faculty members are employees of a university and the work is created in the scope of their employment, but it is not always the case that the university owns the copyright in the material faculty created. Most universities acknowledge that faculty own the copyright in their work. Some colleges however may assert an ownership interest in faculty work for university has contributed substantial resources for that creation.


More than one author created the work jointly may be co-owners of the copyright in the work. Copyright Act allows a joint owner of a copyright to use the work without consent but be under an obligation to account, which may cause unintended consequences. One may have contributed more than the other as to creation of the work. One may consider the “inseparable and interdependent rights and obligations” not fair or equitable. To ensure rights and obligations of co-owners of a copyright work are what each of them intended, they shall agree with specific terms in a written contract. For example, each co-owner may exploit the work through nonexclusive license agreements and must account for the profits to the other. If the copyright in a work is co-owned by a faculty member and a university or by two faculties, limitations on the use of the work and profit allocation may be agreed. Co-owners shall consider entering into a written agreement that modifies the default rules of co-ownership under the Copyright Act.

更多作者信息: http://yp.wanjiaweb.com/cn/content/lions-law-pc
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