给考生家庭的建议 - 如何找到一个好老师

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李照原, 高级软件工程师,于1988来北美。他自幼喜爱文艺,兴趣多元广泛,热爱声乐,朗诵和舞台艺术。多年来致力于弘扬中华文化,努力为华人社区服务,积极促进东西方文化交流,应邀在大陆,香港和台湾华侨的诸多庆祝活动中演唱歌曲和担任节目主持人,受到了华人和主流社会的喜爱和认可。

他多次受邀参与筹划波士顿地区的大型文艺活动,并以专业水准的中英文担任节目主持。他主持的多个大型文艺活动有《大波士顿地区第五届亚美节》,《东西互联波士顿地区春节文艺晚会》,《波士顿地区华人华侨 “百年圆梦,中秋同庆” - “庆奥运,迎中秋” 文艺晚会》等等。自2006以来,连续主持诸多亚裔社区和组织一年一度的春节联欢会和周年庆典, 包括《波士顿京津同乡会》,《全美亚裔妇女会麻省分会》等等。虽然常常忙的不亦乐乎,但他依然认认真真,一心一意地努力把精彩的节目最好地奉献给观众。


李照原来美后加入了多个文艺团体和合唱团,担任男高音的合唱及领唱,包括黄河艺术团,东方之声合唱团, 剑桥(MIT)合唱团,大波士顿文协(GBCCA)合唱团,等。曾随东方之声合唱团参加2006年第四届世界合唱比赛。共有90多个国家,超过350个合唱团参加了比赛,荣获混声合唱银奖和民歌铜奖。

李照原还被邀请参加过话剧和电影的拍摄。作为北美枫香戏剧社主创人员之一,出演了话剧《海外剩女》中的医学博士。 他曾于2003年主演了由杨有新博士编导的故事片 《静火》 (”Silent Fire”) 中的男主角-何志远。 该部影片反映了当代中国知识分子在异国奋斗不息以及个人和家庭的感情纠葛。《静火》(108分钟)入围了2005年纽约国际电影节,并在77部入选作品中夺得 “最佳外国语故事片” 等奖项。

他积极参加华人社区的活动,如:2016.02.20 全美华裔大游行(大波士顿地区),为华人的权益呐喊,为华人后代发声。他热心参与敬老,爱老,助老活动,如:《剑桥中国文化中心夕阳红活动站》波士顿公演 (2014年,2015年,2016年), 中国城老人公寓的春节慰问演出 (2016年),等。

Author: Avalon Admission升学指导

Advice for Families - How to Find a Great Tutor


As someone who has tutored and counseled students for well over 30 years, who has written countless tutoring and training guides, and who has personally trained more than 500 tutors and counselors, I can tell you first-hand, second-hand, and third-hand that being an effective tutor requires significant skills that go far beyond IQ and subject-matter expertise.


Unfortunately, many tutoring companies are merely involved in window dressing – only hiring individuals who have attended top colleges and earned “impressive” degrees – with no regard for their communication or tutoring skills. They believe that parents will be impressed by the pedigree without knowing anything about the quality or style of their teaching. For all you current and aspiring tutors out there, you may be brilliant and/or have deep content knowledge, but if you don’t know how to help a struggling student master a difficult subject, test, or assignment, then you are not a good tutor.


There is an appropriate sports analogy that applies quite well here. “The best players do not necessarily make the best coaches.” It is not hard to understand why this might be the case. For certain super intelligent people, learning comes easily while teaching those same skills may not. Further, they may have never, or hardly ever, sat across the table from a tutor to receive instruction in a subject that may have eluded, perplexed, or frustrated them. In theory, having been tutored can provide wonderful insights into becoming a tutor.


This is not to say that highly intelligent people cannot make great tutors. Indeed, many excellent tutors are incredibly brilliant people who have graduated from top colleges and earned many advanced degrees. My point is that highly intelligent people with these kinds of credentials are not necessarily great tutors. That is because it takes more than intelligence to be a great tutor. To be a great tutor you must have great people skills, communication skills, organizational skills, and a highly evolved intuition that may border on clairvoyance or perspicacity. Generally speaking, sensitive people make great tutors; insensitive people do not.


Patient people make great tutors; impatient people do not. Excellent listeners make great tutors; incessant talkers or those reading from a script do not. Finally, passionate people make great tutors; those who are just in it for the Almighty Dollar do not.


As a parent, how can you find, or know that you are hiring, a great tutor? Admittedly, it is not easy. But one starting point is to not assume anything based on a résumé. You also cannot go by what your child tells you after the first session, because they may not be the best judge of effectiveness either. At Avalon, we instruct our tutors in the 15 factors that go into an affective tutoring session. Of course, we touch on some obvious imperatives such as establishing expertise, setting aspirational but attainable goals, and arriving on time. However, we also stress the importance of sensitivity, professionalism, and communication skills. We teach tutors to look into the eyes of their students to make sure that the lessons provided are sinking in, not bouncing off like images from a reflective surface. We encourage our tutors to ask questions, and to encourage their students to do the same. We dissuade our tutors from having only one way of explaining something, and to have a series of checks and balances to make sure that lessons are having the appropriate effect.


Here are a few tips to help you find and hire a great tutor.

1) Ask all potential tutors questions and make sure that the explanations given are clear and concise. A good answer will acknowledge and address the question directly, even if the answer does not lend itself to a simple explanation.
2) Be leery of tutors who merely point to their academic record as proof of their tutoring prowess.
3) Ask yourself if you feel that your child will be comfortable working with this tutor. After all, you want the experience to be a positive one, rather than one that feels a bit like pulling teeth.
4) Ask the tutor these questions:
• “Tell me about your tutoring experience.”
• “In your opinion, why should I hire you over all the other highly qualified tutors who are out there?”
• “Please describe your teaching style.”
• “Have you ever worked with a student who you felt you could not help? If so, how did you resolve the situation?”
• “跟我说说你的辅导经历吧。”
• “在你看来,我为什么要请你,而不是那些其他高素质的老师呢?”
• “请描述一下你的教学风格。”
• “你有没有辅导过你觉得自己教不了的学生?如果有,那你是怎么解决这个问题的?”

If you are comfortable with the answers to these four questions, then you may have found a good tutor. Make sure to check in with your child after the first session and on a regular basis. Also, check any notes that the tutor has provided. Notes should be provided and reviewed after each and every session.

For more information, please contact Avalon Admission at
or info@avalonadmission.com.


欲了解更多信息,请联系 Avalon Admission,

It takes more than intelligence to be a great tutor. This is not to say that highly intelligent people cannot make great tutors. My point is that highly intelligent people with these kinds of credentials are not necessarily great tutors. That is because it takes more than intelligence to be a great tutor. To be a great tutor you must have great people skills, communication skills, organizational skills, and a highly evolved intuition that may border on clairvoyance or perspicacity.


更多作者信息: yp.wanjiaweb.com/cn/content/avalon-admission
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