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李照原, 高级软件工程师,于1988来北美。他自幼喜爱文艺,兴趣多元广泛,热爱声乐,朗诵和舞台艺术。多年来致力于弘扬中华文化,努力为华人社区服务,积极促进东西方文化交流,应邀在大陆,香港和台湾华侨的诸多庆祝活动中演唱歌曲和担任节目主持人,受到了华人和主流社会的喜爱和认可。

他多次受邀参与筹划波士顿地区的大型文艺活动,并以专业水准的中英文担任节目主持。他主持的多个大型文艺活动有《大波士顿地区第五届亚美节》,《东西互联波士顿地区春节文艺晚会》,《波士顿地区华人华侨 “百年圆梦,中秋同庆” - “庆奥运,迎中秋” 文艺晚会》等等。自2006以来,连续主持诸多亚裔社区和组织一年一度的春节联欢会和周年庆典, 包括《波士顿京津同乡会》,《全美亚裔妇女会麻省分会》等等。虽然常常忙的不亦乐乎,但他依然认认真真,一心一意地努力把精彩的节目最好地奉献给观众。


李照原来美后加入了多个文艺团体和合唱团,担任男高音的合唱及领唱,包括黄河艺术团,东方之声合唱团, 剑桥(MIT)合唱团,大波士顿文协(GBCCA)合唱团,等。曾随东方之声合唱团参加2006年第四届世界合唱比赛。共有90多个国家,超过350个合唱团参加了比赛,荣获混声合唱银奖和民歌铜奖。

李照原还被邀请参加过话剧和电影的拍摄。作为北美枫香戏剧社主创人员之一,出演了话剧《海外剩女》中的医学博士。 他曾于2003年主演了由杨有新博士编导的故事片 《静火》 (”Silent Fire”) 中的男主角-何志远。 该部影片反映了当代中国知识分子在异国奋斗不息以及个人和家庭的感情纠葛。《静火》(108分钟)入围了2005年纽约国际电影节,并在77部入选作品中夺得 “最佳外国语故事片” 等奖项。

他积极参加华人社区的活动,如:2016.02.20 全美华裔大游行(大波士顿地区),为华人的权益呐喊,为华人后代发声。他热心参与敬老,爱老,助老活动,如:《剑桥中国文化中心夕阳红活动站》波士顿公演 (2014年,2015年,2016年), 中国城老人公寓的春节慰问演出 (2016年),等。

Author: Avalon Admission升学规划

Does Test Optional Admissions Hurt My Chances?


Note: As of March 3, 2023, there are approximately 1700 colleges in America that do not require standardized test scores such as ACT or SAT. This week, Columbia University and William and Mary college extended their test optional policy indefinitely. Other colleges such as MIT and Georgetown, do require standardized test scores. Still others, such as Harvard, have temporarily extended their test optional policy and others are certain to follow. Avalon Admission will continue to provide you with regular updates.

注:截至2023年3月3日,美国大约有1700所大学不要求提交ACT或SAT等标考成绩。本周,哥伦比亚大学和威廉与玛丽学院无限期延长了其考试可选政策。其他院校,如麻省理工学院和乔治敦大学,是要求提交标考分数的。还有一些院校,比如哈佛大学,暂时延长了考试可选政策,还有一些院校肯定会效仿。Avalon Admission 将继续为您定期更新。

If you are submitting ACT or SAT scores to colleges, or SSAT or ISEE to private schools, does the movement toward test-optional admissions help you or hurt you? The answer is simple: for most students, it hurts their chances. But how can this be so? Won’t my excellent test scores make me stand out from those who are not submitting any scores? The answer to this question is: no. If all this seems counterintuitive to you, that is because colleges and private schools are changing, adapting to the new reality of our changing world. This is not to say that a high test score is bad; quite the contrary. High test scores are one measure of your academic ability that colleges and private schools appreciate as a relatively objective measure of academic intelligence. Notice that I use the word “relatively,” because everyone knows that test scores can be improved with the assistance of professional tutors, or in some cases classes. So, now that I have stirred up confusion in this salad bowl of admissions characteristics, let me do my best to unravel the mystery of college admission and private school admission for 2022 and beyond.


Of all the changes to college admission and private school admission in the last few years, perhaps the one that is most misunderstood is the movement toward test-optional admissions. Many colleges are now test optional—some permanently—while others are gravitating back to mandatory test submission. For applications that come in unaccompanied by test scores, colleges and private schools are doing their best to make up for this missing data by placing more value on other factors such as GPA, extracurricular activities, proven leadership skills, analysis of one’s use of free time, character, recommendations, and essays.


Despite having their critics, standardized tests do provide useful information. For one thing, they provide a balance against unequal grading policies that exist from school to school, state to state, and region to region. Certainly, a 4.0 GPA at one school may be far more significant than a 4.0 GPA at another. Without test scores as a validator, students with the more meaningful 4.0 GPA, e.g., from a school with much harder classes and grading criteria, lose their advantage to some degree. This can be counteracted if the college or private school admissions committees are familiar with the school from which the student is matriculating.

尽管有批评的人,但标准化考试确实提供了有用的信息。首先,标考让学校与学校、州与州以及地区之间存在的不平等的评分政策得以平衡。当然,一所学校的GPA 4.0可能比另一所学校的GPA 4.0要有意义得多。如果没有考试分数作为验证标准,所获GPA 4.0更有意义的学生,例如,其学校的课程较难且评分标准更严格,会在某种程度上失去他们的优势。如果大学或私立学校的招生委员会熟悉学生所在的学校则可以消除这种情况。

However, test scores, or more accurately lack of test scores, hurts high-achieving students even more by increasing the number of applications received by top colleges and private schools. Why? Because students who are unable to attain high test scores, and thus would have been unlikely to apply to highly competitive colleges or private schools under the old system, now can apply with a degree of impunity since their test scores won’t be considered. In other words, more students can apply to competitive schools simply because test scores are not required. Some of these students will be accepted which means that fewer spaces are available for students who are capable of earning high test scores.


There’s one more reason why test optional admission hurts those who are submitting test scores. It stands to reason that only students with high test scores will submit them. Students without high test scores will simply take advantage of the test optional opportunity and hope that their other attributes are good enough to be accepted. As a result, those who submit test scores find themselves competing against a more elite group of students. Stated another way, the test optional policy has created two separate pools of applicants: those submitting test scores and those not submitting test scores. Each will be competing for a smaller subset of seats.


I am not trying to disparage the test optional movement. Indeed, the reasons for going test optional are valid and important. I am merely commenting on the consequences. It is eerily similar to the arguments for and against affirmative action. The reasons are entirely valid as is the impact. But for those who are harmed by these policies, it may be hard to understand or accept the need.


I will conclude by stating that you can’t change the current situation regarding admissions; you can only counteract this new reality by making yourself a more attractive candidate. That means that every admission factor you present to colleges or private schools, other than test scores, must be stronger. You must work a little harder. You must present a stronger case to the admissions committees for your candidacy. That is something that takes significant time, significant effort, and a significant personal commitment.


By Neil Chyten
Avalon Admission
March 3, 2023
Avalon Admission

更多作者信息: yp.wanjiaweb.com/cn/content/avalon-admission
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