音协人物介绍 — 女高音歌唱家张婉哲

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波士頓中國音樂家協會(簡稱音協)成立於2012年底,是經正式註冊並以在美國傳播中國音樂藝術--器樂演奏、聲樂演唱、樂曲創作和音樂理論研究等為目標的非營利性文化組織。目前波士頓中國音樂家協會擁有會員一百多人,其中: 中西混合樂團四十多人和 混聲合唱團四十多人。“音協” 自成立以來,已成功舉辦了多場音樂會和綜合音樂、歌舞文藝晚會。參與演出的人員有來自中國、臺灣的音樂藝術演奏家,歌唱家和戲曲藝術家,也有當地的文藝團體。特別在2016年 “音協” 為大波士頓地區的觀眾上演了三場 “泱泱國風-《紅樓夢》全版主題歌曲音樂會”,藝術家們精湛的表演受到了87版《紅樓夢》電視連續劇音樂作者,著名作曲家王立平先生的肯定,和大波士頓地區觀眾們的贊譽。2017年 “音協” 將根據既定的宗旨推出 “泱泱國風-《劉三姐》主題歌曲音樂會” 等系列音樂會。欲查詢音协詳情,可洽林湛濤 (617)291-9938,或張正山 (617)835-2677。

Website: http://www.bcma.us/index.html
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协人物 - 女高音歌唱家张婉哲

音协“泱泱国风-《红楼梦》全版主题歌曲音乐会”演职人员介绍 - 女高音歌唱家张婉哲


          张婉哲同时还担任美国国家古典音乐表演艺术联合会秘书长; 2014年她成功策划和组织了美国夏威夷“莫尔里国际钢琴夏令营及声乐歌剧营”;在20153月与美国古典声乐家杂志社合作,带领美国十二所著名音乐学院访华交流,并在中央音乐学院成功举办了“第十二届美国古典声乐家国际声乐比赛”及声乐大师班。张婉哲还代表美国古典音乐表演艺术联合会主持“声乐国际化主题交流会“及“声乐教育说明会”。张婉哲享有丰富的教学经验,擅长因材施教,能最大限度的挖掘学生的潜力。在过去的十年,她的教学方法被各个年龄段的学生所认可,她的学生中有很多已考入著名音乐学院并在各类声乐比赛中获奖。她在2011年至2015年担任美国符客文化教育集团音乐总监期间,所指导的波士顿亚裔合唱团频繁出现在大波士顿地区的各种演出活动中。2016年她将作为特邀顾问出任克利夫兰国际音乐节。

Biography of Wanzhe Zhang

Chinese Soprano Wanzhe Zhang is acknowledged as one of today’s most evocative young artists in the United States as well as in China. Her performing arts background includes five years of vocal studies under world-renowned tenor Haitao Hei at the Central Conservatory in Beijing, where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Voice and Opera Performance. Ms. Zhang furthered her studies with American Soprano Karen Holvik at New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, where she earned her Master of Arts degree as well as a Graduate Diploma in Vocal Performance.  Currently a member of Tanglewood Festival Chorus, she regularly performs with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Boston Pops. Her voice has been heard in hallmark venues across the globe, including Carnegie Hall in New York; Jordan Hall, John Hancock Hall and Cutler Majestic Theater in Boston; Sala Luis Galve in Spain; Beijing Concert Hall, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Shanghai Oriental Art Center, and Xinghai Concert Hall in China.
Ms. Zhang has served as Secretary-General of Boston Chinese Musicians Association since 2012. She has both performed as resident artist and served on the board of BCMA. In 2016, she will serve as vocal coach for the BCMA chorus and will perform as soloist in << The Sounds of China: Music from the Dream of the Red Chamber>>.

As Secretary-General of National Classical Music Performing Arts Associates, Ms. Zhang managed the Hawaii International Piano Festival and Hawaii International Summer Vocal Academy in Honolulu. She also managed the 2015 Annual Classical Singer International Vocal Competition and Masterclass Series of China and U.S. Cultural Exchange, and hosted the “International Vocal Performance Forum” in Beijing. For the past ten years, Ms. Zhang has worked as a freelance vocal coach for numerous musical establishments. In addition to these endeavors, she continues to coach singers of all levels to develop their vocal confidence and artistry. Many of her pupils go on to study at major music conservatories and to pursue professional musical goals. She served as Music Director at Focal Chinese Music from 2011 to 2015. Ms. Zhang has also been invited to serve as Special Consultant for the 2016 Cleveland International Music Festival.

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