音协人物介绍 — 通俗歌曲演唱家曾燕琴

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波士頓中國音樂家協會(簡稱音協)成立於2012年底,是經正式註冊並以在美國傳播中國音樂藝術--器樂演奏、聲樂演唱、樂曲創作和音樂理論研究等為目標的非營利性文化組織。目前波士頓中國音樂家協會擁有會員一百多人,其中: 中西混合樂團四十多人和 混聲合唱團四十多人。“音協” 自成立以來,已成功舉辦了多場音樂會和綜合音樂、歌舞文藝晚會。參與演出的人員有來自中國、臺灣的音樂藝術演奏家,歌唱家和戲曲藝術家,也有當地的文藝團體。特別在2016年 “音協” 為大波士頓地區的觀眾上演了三場 “泱泱國風-《紅樓夢》全版主題歌曲音樂會”,藝術家們精湛的表演受到了87版《紅樓夢》電視連續劇音樂作者,著名作曲家王立平先生的肯定,和大波士頓地區觀眾們的贊譽。2017年 “音協” 將根據既定的宗旨推出 “泱泱國風-《劉三姐》主題歌曲音樂會” 等系列音樂會。欲查詢音协詳情,可洽林湛濤 (617)291-9938,或張正山 (617)835-2677。

Website: http://www.bcma.us/index.html
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协人物 - 通俗歌曲演唱家曾燕琴

通俗歌曲演唱家曾燕琴 / Biography of Yanqin Zeng

    曾燕琴毕业于广西艺术学院,主修声乐。波士顿中国音乐家协会创会会员,广西通俗音乐学会理事。是波士顿文艺舞台备受欢迎的演唱家。在中国多次参加声乐比赛获奖,如:中央电视台“第三届青年声乐大奖赛”广西赛区通俗唱法一等奖;广西桂林市“独秀歌星大奖赛”一等奖;中国“西南六省歌手大赛”优胜奖等。曾燕琴还多次受邀到香港、韩国等地演出,在参加各种大型演出活动中受到好评;在参加东盟博览会广西“三月三”大型文艺演出活动中获优秀演员奖。广西音像出版社对曾燕琴演唱的部分歌曲制作为磁带和CD销售,市场反应极佳。她还担任过2005年环球国际小姐中国赛区广西分赛区决赛评判;2008年K王争霸北美大型歌唱赛美东赛区裁判。曾燕琴目前分别在剑桥中文学校 和牛顿中文学校成人班担任声乐教师。


Biography of Yanqin Zeng

Yanqin Zeng, a well-known popular music singer, graduated with major in vocal performance from the Guangxi Arts Institute, China. She is a co-founder of the Boston Chinese Musicians Association (BCMA), council member of the Guangxi Popular Music Association, and a well-recognized popular music vocal artist in the greater Boston area.

Ms. Zeng received many vocal competition awards including the first prize as a popular music singer in “the Third China Central Television (CCTV) Youth Vocal Competition” in Guangxi district; the first prize in “the Emerging Vocal Star Competition” in Guilin city, Guangxi; and the excellent singer award in “the Singing Championships of the Six Provinces in Southwest China” among other awards. She was also invited to have vocal performances in Hong Kong, South Korea and many other places for the international cultural exchanges and well received with high praises. She obtained “the Outstanding Vocal Artist" award for her performance in “the March Third Folk Music & Art Festival” in the China-ASEAN Exposition (CAEXPO) conducted in Guangxi, one of the major cultural events in Southeast Asia. Part of her performance was recorded on cassettes and CDs by the Guangxi Musical and Video Studio and achieved remarkable marketing successes and awareness. She also served as judge in the finals competitions of the “the 2005 Miss Globe” in Guangxi-China and “the 2008 North America King of Karaoke Singing Championships, Eastern US Division”. Ms. Zeng currently teaches vocal classes in Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture and Newton Chinese Language School in Massachusetts.

Since the foundation of BCMA, Ms. Zeng participated and performed in numerous concerts hosted by the BCMA and other art events. She will perform as soloist in BCMA’s “The Sound of China: Music from the Dream of the Red Chamber” and sing two songs in this show, Handkerchief Melody (题帕诗) and the Tragic Story of Xiang Ling (叹香菱).  In addition, she serves as vocal coach for the BCMA chorus.

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