音协人物介绍 —青年管乐演奏家楊源煜

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波士頓中國音樂家協會(簡稱音協)成立於2012年底,是經正式註冊並以在美國傳播中國音樂藝術--器樂演奏、聲樂演唱、樂曲創作和音樂理論研究等為目標的非營利性文化組織。目前波士頓中國音樂家協會擁有會員一百多人,其中: 中西混合樂團四十多人和 混聲合唱團四十多人。“音協” 自成立以來,已成功舉辦了多場音樂會和綜合音樂、歌舞文藝晚會。參與演出的人員有來自中國、臺灣的音樂藝術演奏家,歌唱家和戲曲藝術家,也有當地的文藝團體。特別在2016年 “音協” 為大波士頓地區的觀眾上演了三場 “泱泱國風-《紅樓夢》全版主題歌曲音樂會”,藝術家們精湛的表演受到了87版《紅樓夢》電視連續劇音樂作者,著名作曲家王立平先生的肯定,和大波士頓地區觀眾們的贊譽。2017年 “音協” 將根據既定的宗旨推出 “泱泱國風-《劉三姐》主題歌曲音樂會” 等系列音樂會。欲查詢音协詳情,可洽林湛濤 (617)291-9938,或張正山 (617)835-2677。

Website: http://www.bcma.us/index.html
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会



音协人物 - 青年管乐演奏家源煜/ Biography of Billy Yang


16岁获伯克利音乐学院院长奖学金并参加该学院举办的音乐夏令营,2011年获北京萨克斯风国际比赛一等奖, 2013获伯克利音乐学院全额奖学金攻读作曲专业,并师从巴勒斯坦乌德琴大师Simon Shaheen 学习阿拉伯音乐。此外,他还是有名的伯克利民族乐团演奏员,曾受邀到北京、纽约、韩国等地参加演出。如:北京的“草莓节”、“迷笛音乐节”;纽约的蓝注,伯克利演艺中心,日本所缪斯泽市民族文化中心等。同时他还曾与多名世界一流的艺术家合作演出,如Jack Dejohnette, Jojo Mayer,David Fiuczynski,Jack De Johnette,乔乔梅耶(鼓手,现场电子三人组“神经”的领导者),西蒙•沙欣(南区和小提琴独奏艺术家),尤金•弗里森(格莱美奖的大提琴家),女性世界(国际无伴奏合唱团)等等。近年来曾多次与融合爵士吉他大师David Fiuckyski,全美 A Cappella 比赛冠军声乐团体Women Of the World 到纽约,中国,台湾,日本等地演出。


Biography of Billy Yang

Yuanyu Yang (Billy Yeung) is a Multi woodwinds player and music writer.
He started playing the saxophone at the age of 7. Later, he began to play the Chinese traditional woodwinds and also explore other woodwinds from all around the world, such as traditional Chinese bamboo flutes, Arabian Neys, Duduks and Indian busuries etc.

When Billy was 16 years old, he participated in Berklee Music Summer Camp with Principal Scholarship. In 2011, he won the first prize in the Beijing International Saxophone Competition. In 2013, he received offer that major in Composition from Berklee College of Music with full scholarship. Recently, as a multi-woodwinds player of the Berklee Nationalities Ensemble, he had performed in many Music Festivals, such as Strawberry Festival, MIDI Music Festival. He is also a member of groups like “Afrokokoroots Afrobeat” and Jerry’s Blues Band.

Besides, he had performed with world class artists such as David Fiuczynski (Fusion guitarist, Founder of MicroJam institute and the leader of the Screaming Headless Torsos), Jack Dejohnette (American legendary Jazz drummer), Jojo Mayer (Drummer, the leader of live electronic trio “Nerve”), Simon Shaheen(Oud and Violin solo artist), Yazhi Guo (“THE” best suona player in Asia), Eugene Friesen(Grammy award cellist), Women of The World (International A Cappella group), Mugga(Spain). In 2015, he was invited by Boston Asian American Association, touring in China with Mr. Klyster Yen(Sing Tao Daily). In March and April 2015, he also toured with Women of the World, performing over eighteen concerts and TV projects in Japan and China.

Now, Billy is looking forward to sharing the music with BCMA. He will play the saxophone and woodwinds in “The Sounds of China: Music from the Dream of the Red-Chamber ”.

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