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波士頓中國音樂家協會(簡稱音協)成立於2012年底,是經正式註冊並以在美國傳播中國音樂藝術--器樂演奏、聲樂演唱、樂曲創作和音樂理論研究等為目標的非營利性文化組織。目前波士頓中國音樂家協會擁有會員一百多人,其中: 中西混合樂團四十多人和 混聲合唱團四十多人。“音協” 自成立以來,已成功舉辦了多場音樂會和綜合音樂、歌舞文藝晚會。參與演出的人員有來自中國、臺灣的音樂藝術演奏家,歌唱家和戲曲藝術家,也有當地的文藝團體。特別在2016年 “音協” 為大波士頓地區的觀眾上演了三場 “泱泱國風-《紅樓夢》全版主題歌曲音樂會”,藝術家們精湛的表演受到了87版《紅樓夢》電視連續劇音樂作者,著名作曲家王立平先生的肯定,和大波士頓地區觀眾們的贊譽。2017年 “音協” 將根據既定的宗旨推出 “泱泱國風-《劉三姐》主題歌曲音樂會” 等系列音樂會。欲查詢音协詳情,可洽林湛濤 (617)291-9938,或張正山 (617)835-2677。

Website: http://www.bcma.us/index.html
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会


音协人物-琵琶演奏家甄若矛/ Biography of Kevin Zhen


甄若矛,前广東省音乐曲艺团琵琶独奏演員, 曾师从中央音乐学院著名琵琶演奏家王范地  、刘德海大师。在中国除担任乐团的业务工作外还热衷於少年教学事务,创办了吉他学校并任导師, 积累了丰富的教学经验;甄若矛尝试把西方乐器的演奏技巧运用在琵琶演奏上,把具有浓郁民族特色的《春江花月夜》、《彝族舞曲》等琵琶名曲用吉他来演奏, 使兩种乐器的特性混合一体, 取長补短, 丰富了乐器的表現力。甄若矛因刻苦钻研业务, 曾获首届岭南电视現場直播大奖赛一等奖,并被評為廣州市十大青少年艺术工作者, 派往东南亚及欧洲多个国家訪問演出。

自移居美國以來, 一直热心社区活动和宏扬中国文化,  开设传授琵琶, 吉他,  电子琴演奏技术的音乐班,  培养了不少的音乐爱好者;2013年甄若矛组织学生创办的“星乐队”,在波士顿华人社团庆典活动中已崭露头角。甄若矛还受邀代表纽约林肯中心參加丹麥举办的世界音乐节,席此机会他与世界各地艺术家们进行音乐文化交流,  深受好评与赞赏。


Biography of Kevin Zhen

Kevin Zhen, the fromer main Pipa (Lute) soloist of the Guangdong Music Ensemble. He had studied with two famous Pipa masters, Wang Fan Di and Liu De Hai at Central Conservatory of Music. Not only Zhen was a performer in the orchestra, he also taught in the Guangzhou Youth Club, where he accumulated wealth teaching experience. During the years in Guangzhou, Zhen had interactions with professional guitarists from all over the world. His performance is unique and expressive, because he applied guitar techniques into Pipa, and also strummed the guitar with the performance style of the Pipa. Despite the risk of playing in a nontraditional field, Zhen is proficient in two different instruments, Pipa and Guitar.

Due to his studiousness, Zhen has received an award of Guangzhou Talented Young Musical Artist and the first prize in the Lingnan Competition. At Zhen’s early age, he has performed over South-East Asia and Europe. After his moved to U.S, Zhen has performed at many grand events and taught numerous pupils to play the Pipa as well as the guitar and keyboard. Additionally, Zhen was invited as a representative of the New York Lincoln Center, performing in the Denmark World Music Festival,

Currently, Zhen is the founder of the Chinese Music Ensemble and Portfolio Minster of BCMA. In the past years, he had participated in several BCMA activities. In April 10, 2016, Zhen will play Pipa and keyboard in “The Sounds of the China: A Dream of Red Mansions”. In addition, Zheng has twenty years working experience of photography and graphic design. He was invited by BCMA and has designed poster, program, and PPT for the concert.

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