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戴律师的主要服务范围包括公司法、商法,劳工法、和民事商业纠纷诉讼。她专长于公 司建立、起草合同和章程、商业租赁、公司收购和各种常见的劳工法法律问题。她也代理客户在麻州的州立和联邦法庭的诉讼案件,以及仲裁。她 代理的案件有违反合同、欺诈、盗用商业机密、非竞业限制、非法解雇、拖欠工资和加班费等。戴律师代理的公司有各行各业的,包括语言服务、 医疗行业服务、医疗器械、海产、文化交流、夏令营公司、移民顾问、网上服务、医学研究等。

戴律师出生于中国上海,荣获上海大学英语文学学士学位,加拿大卡尔加里大学工商硕 士管理学位,波士顿SUFFOLK大学法学院法学博士学位。

戴律师曾在中国元达律师事务所处理国际商法、公司法和反垄断法事宜。她曾协助麻州 最高法院法官Fernande R.V. Duffly审判民事和刑事案件,也为麻州著名商业投资银行Brown Brothers Harriman撰写投资法律法规报告。戴律师曾为法国最大的上市工程咨询公司ALTRAN审阅和草拟各类商业合同和承办其他公司法法律事宜。

在迁往加拿大之前,戴律师在中国可口可乐公司管理和协调全国商标侵权系统的运作, 并参与可口可乐公司总部和中国合作伙伴的磋商谈判,这个磋商导致在中国成立六个可口可乐装瓶公司。在进入法学院之前,戴律师在加拿大和美 国积累了丰富的中小型企业商业咨询经验,包括撰写商业计划、市场调查、营运咨询、策略咨询、商业谈判、财务预算等。

戴律师持有麻州和纽约州执照。她也同时持有麻州联邦地区法院执照。美国亚裔律师协 会麻州分会和波士顿律师协会会员。

戴律师业余时间积极为波士顿义务律师协会(Volunteer Lawyers Project)的低收入客户提供免费的失业福利听审代理。她也积极参与新英格兰中国信息网络协会(NECINA)的市场推广、赞助筹款和活动策划工作。



  • 了解您的劳工权利(清华校友会,2013年5月)
  • 如何进行商业规划(新英格兰中国信息 网络协会,创业家培训班,2014年1月)
  • 商业规划(麻省理工中国创新与创业论 坛,2014年5 月)
Website: https://www.lionslawgroup.com/ 万家网商家黄页: http://yp.wanjiaweb.com/cn/content/lions-law-pc
Author: 戴晨方律師

Copyright Act is a federal statute. It protects nearly all original works “fixed in any tangible medium of expression.” This includes article, books, movies, music, and web sites. Digital creations are protected by copyright law as well.


Work should be “original” and display “at least some minimal degree of creativity”. In the academic world, Copyright Act protects the EXPRESSION of facts or ideas as embodied in a work but not the underlying facts or ideas.


Owner of the copyright work has the exclusive right to:


· make copies of the work;

· distribute the work;

· display or perform the work publicly; and

· create derivative works based on the original work, such as adapting a novel into a movie, translating a work into a foreign language, or otherwise modifying a work.


The copyright in a work is usually owned by the author with exceptions. When a work is created within the scope of one’s employment, or “ordered or commissioned for use as” some specific circumstances defined by Copyright Act, ownership does not belong to the author, but the employer or whoever commissions the work. No affirmative steps are needed to establish the ownership rights. The Copyright Act, however, provides that a company or more than one person may own the work jointly.


Faculty members are employees of a university and the work is created in the scope of their employment, but it is not always the case that the university owns the copyright in the material faculty created. Most universities acknowledge that faculty own the copyright in their work. Some colleges however may assert an ownership interest in faculty work for university has contributed substantial resources for that creation.


More than one author created the work jointly may be co-owners of the copyright in the work. Copyright Act allows a joint owner of a copyright to use the work without consent but be under an obligation to account, which may cause unintended consequences. One may have contributed more than the other as to creation of the work. One may consider the “inseparable and interdependent rights and obligations” not fair or equitable. To ensure rights and obligations of co-owners of a copyright work are what each of them intended, they shall agree with specific terms in a written contract. For example, each co-owner may exploit the work through nonexclusive license agreements and must account for the profits to the other. If the copyright in a work is co-owned by a faculty member and a university or by two faculties, limitations on the use of the work and profit allocation may be agreed. Co-owners shall consider entering into a written agreement that modifies the default rules of co-ownership under the Copyright Act.

更多作者信息: http://yp.wanjiaweb.com/cn/content/lions-law-pc
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