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潘雅然律師畢業於北京大學法律系,並獲北京大學法學學士及碩士學位。來到美國之前,潘雅然律師先後在北京中關村高技術產業開發區商貿集團及外經貿部直屬的涉外律師事務所從事多年法律工作,並取得傲人成績。 90年代初由潘律師代理外經貿部麾下的一個進出口公司僅在廣西某市的一起經濟糾紛案件,訴訟標的即達到人民幣1億元,在多次的開庭審理中,潘律師舌戰群雄,最終法院判決4名經濟被告賠償原告經濟損失9800萬人民幣,由於潘律師事先申請了訴訟保全,判決生效後其客戶順利得到賠償。潘律師出色的庭辯被當地多個報刊爭先報導。潘律師同時就任於北京多家企業集團與涉外公司的常年法律顧問。

潘律師在波士頓地區專門從事移民法的司法實踐。過去的14年中, 潘律師著重於美國移民法和國籍法的法律研究與實踐。由於所從事的的領域專一,潘律師對EB5投資移民及其它類別職業移民及非移民工作簽證有著及其深入的研究。開業十餘年來,潘律師經手的各類移民及非移民案件成功率高達 99% 以上。真正實現了其為之追求的專業, 精湛,及成功的座佑銘. 潘律師高效精湛的專業服務為其不僅僅在馬薩諸薩州,而且在美國的東西海岸贏得極高聲譽。

潘律師熱衷於公益及社區活動,並應邀為WPI,Bentley university及華人青年協會的學生舉辦專題的移民講座, 同時定期在律師樓就畢業生提出的移民問題進行免費諮詢。


Website: http://www.panlawyer.com/ 万家网商家黄页: http://wan.business/cn/content/law-office-yaran-pan
Author: 潘雅然律师
H1B配偶在美国合法工作的规定于2015年5月26日正式实施 美国国土安全部通过美国移民局(USCIS)局长于2015年2月24日一早正式宣布符合相应条件的H1B的配偶H4允许在美合法工作的规定于2015年5月26日正式实施。该项规定的实施也是2014年11月奥巴马提出的行政令中诸多方案中能够得到实施的其中重要一项。该项修订的法规所涉及的H1B持有人的配偶需要满足以下两项条件之中的任何一项方即可申请I-765的工作许可: H1B持有人的I-140移民申请已经被移民局批准,由于排期的问题,还不可能递交调整身份的申请。这一类I-140主受益人集中在职业移民的第二类及第三类,即EB2、EB3类别。目前中国大陆出生的EB2排期在3月1日到来之际开放到2010年9月1日,EB3排期在3月1日到来之际开放到2011年11月22日。所以该法规的实施会极大惠泽这一部分人的配偶;或者H1B持有人处于6年H1B之后的延期阶段,由于排期的问题,H1B持有人根据美国21世纪竞争法案(AC21), 在排期未开放之前,凭借PERM劳工卡在劳工部超过365天的等待或者PERM劳工卡的批准,可以在H1B的6年用完后申请H1B延期继续在美合法工作。 根据移民局给出的统计数据,在该法规实施的第一年移民局预期会收到179,600份申请,之后的每一年会有大概55,000份申请。需要提醒的是,该项规定的生效日期为2015年5月26日,任何该类申请被移民局收到的时间早于5月26日都会被退卷。而且申请批准之前不能够在美国开始工作。虽然该项修订法规千呼万唤始出来,但毕竟出台并在3个月后开始实施。由于它涉及的面广,惠泽人群众多,我们还是感到由衷欣慰。 以下转载美国移民局官网上关于此项法规的新闻。 DHS Extends Eligibility for EmploymentAuthorization to Certain H-4 Dependent Spouses of H-1B Nonimmigrants SeekingEmployment-Based Lawful Permanent Residence U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today (Feb. 24, 2015)that, effective May 26, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) isextending eligibility for employment authorization to certain H-4 dependentspouses of H-1B nonimmigrants who are seeking employment-based lawful permanentresident (LPR) status. DHS amended the regulations to allow these H-4 dependentspouses to accept employment in theUnited States. Source: http://www.uscis.gov/news Release Date: February24, 2015 Eligibleindividuals include certain H-4 dependent spouses of H-1B nonimmigrantswho: Are the principal beneficiaries of an approved Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker; orHave been granted H-1B status under sections 106(a) and (b) of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-first Century Act of 2000 as amended by the 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act. The Act permits H-1B nonimmigrants seeking lawful permanent residence to work and remain in the United Staes beyond the six-year limit on their H-1B status.DHS expects this change willreduce the economic burdens and personal stresses H-1B nonimmigrants and theirfamilies may experience during the transition from nonimmigrant to lawfulpermanent resident status, and facilitate their integration into Americansociety. As such, the change should reduce certain disincentives that currentlylead H-1B nonimmigrants to abandon efforts to remain in theUnited Stateswhile seeking lawful permanentresidence, which will minimize disruptions toU.S.businesses employing them. Thechange should also support theU.S.economy because the contributions H-1B nonimmigrants make to entrepreneurshipand science help promote economic growth and job creation. The rule also willbringU.S.immigration policies more in line with those laws of other countries thatcompete to attract similar highly skilled workers. Under the rule, eligible H-4dependent spouses must file Form I-765, Application forEmployment Authorization, with supporting evidence and the required $380 fee in order to obtain EAD. USCIS will begin accepting applications on May26, 2015. Once USCIS approves the Form I-765 and the H-4 dependent spousereceives an EAD, he or she may begin working in theUnited States. USCIS estimates the number ofindividuals eligible to apply for employment authorization under this rulecould be as high as 179,600 in the first year and 55,000 annually in subsequent years. 
更多作者信息: http://wan.business/cn/content/law-office-yaran-pan
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