
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协人物 - 花腔女高音歌唱家廉艳

音协“泱泱国风-《红楼梦》全版主题歌曲音乐会”演职人员介绍 - 花腔女高音歌唱家廉艳
     廉艳,青年花腔女高音歌唱家,波士顿中国音乐家协会创会会员。毕业于华南师范大学音乐学院声乐表演系;在美国师从女高音歌唱家Donna Roll学习歌剧,并获Longy音乐学院歌剧系表演硕士学位和歌剧表演艺术家文凭。

     廉艳是一位活跃在美国以及欧洲地区的歌剧演员。2014年5月在Longy音乐学院排演库特维尔的歌剧《流入山谷》中,担任女主角珍妮获专家和观众一致好评;2015年与曾执棒于纽约大都会歌剧院的世界著名指挥家大卫杰克逊指挥的MAI交响乐团合作,在Music Academy International的意大利演出中,主演了莫扎特歌剧《魔笛》中最具难度和挑战的花腔女高音角色-夜后;另外还担任了意大利特伦蒂诺音乐节开幕歌剧《狄朵与埃涅阿斯》的贝琳达一角。她独特的嗓音和极富感染的舞台表现力总能让观众眼前一亮。在她参演的众多歌剧中有《拉美莫尔德露琪亚》中的露琪亚;《唐帕斯夸勒》中的诺丽娜;《拉克美》中的拉克美;《茶花女》的维奥莱塔;《军中女郎》中的玛利亚等等。



Biography of Yan Lian

Yan Lian, coloratura soprano, co-founder of Chinese Musician Association, She graduated from South China Normal University School of Music, Vocal Performance Department. Since arriving to the US, she has studied under Professor Donna Roll. She has earned Master Degree and Graduate Performance Diploma in Opera Performance at the Longy School of Music with scholarships for both programs. 

She is an emerging opera singer in the US and Europe. She performed the leading role Jennie in Down In the Valley as the graduation production with Longy School of Music Orchestra in May, 2014. In her most recent performance in Italy, she performed the leading role “Queen of the Night” in The Magic Flute, a masterpiece by Mozart, conducted by the world-famous Maestro David Jackson from the Metropolitan Opera House.  In addition, she performed as Belinda in Dido and Aeneas for the opening night at Trentino Music Festival in Italy.  Yan never ceases to amaze her audiences with her unique voice and powerful stage presence.  Some of  her leading roles include: Viloletta in La Traviata, Lakmé in Lakmé, Lucia in Lucia di Lammermoor, Queen of the night in Die Zauberflöte, Norina in Don Pasquale, etc. Ms. Lian has been a frequent performer since the Chinese Musician Association was established in 2012. She will be performing as soloist in the concert - The Sounds of China: Music from the Dream of the Red Chamber.  Her performances include Song of the Caltrop Blossoms and Love in Vain.  

She studied vocal performance as an undergraduate under Professor Ding Yi.  After graduation, she was mentored by Deng Yun, the first Chinese Opera Singer to be contracted by the New York Metropolitan Opera House.  She was also mentored by the world famous opera singer Xiuwei Sun, currently the leading opera singer in China.  Last but not least, she had the fortunate pleasure to sing in Yuqiang Dai’s master class in May, 2007.  Her achievements are largely contributed to being a student of this craft, learning from some of the most successful opera profiles in the world.  In addition, her humble and genuine attitude has gained the trust of many to perform and MC at high profile events. 
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协人物 - 通俗歌曲演唱家曾燕琴

通俗歌曲演唱家曾燕琴 / Biography of Yanqin Zeng

    曾燕琴毕业于广西艺术学院,主修声乐。波士顿中国音乐家协会创会会员,广西通俗音乐学会理事。是波士顿文艺舞台备受欢迎的演唱家。在中国多次参加声乐比赛获奖,如:中央电视台“第三届青年声乐大奖赛”广西赛区通俗唱法一等奖;广西桂林市“独秀歌星大奖赛”一等奖;中国“西南六省歌手大赛”优胜奖等。曾燕琴还多次受邀到香港、韩国等地演出,在参加各种大型演出活动中受到好评;在参加东盟博览会广西“三月三”大型文艺演出活动中获优秀演员奖。广西音像出版社对曾燕琴演唱的部分歌曲制作为磁带和CD销售,市场反应极佳。她还担任过2005年环球国际小姐中国赛区广西分赛区决赛评判;2008年K王争霸北美大型歌唱赛美东赛区裁判。曾燕琴目前分别在剑桥中文学校 和牛顿中文学校成人班担任声乐教师。


Biography of Yanqin Zeng

Yanqin Zeng, a well-known popular music singer, graduated with major in vocal performance from the Guangxi Arts Institute, China. She is a co-founder of the Boston Chinese Musicians Association (BCMA), council member of the Guangxi Popular Music Association, and a well-recognized popular music vocal artist in the greater Boston area.

Ms. Zeng received many vocal competition awards including the first prize as a popular music singer in “the Third China Central Television (CCTV) Youth Vocal Competition” in Guangxi district; the first prize in “the Emerging Vocal Star Competition” in Guilin city, Guangxi; and the excellent singer award in “the Singing Championships of the Six Provinces in Southwest China” among other awards. She was also invited to have vocal performances in Hong Kong, South Korea and many other places for the international cultural exchanges and well received with high praises. She obtained “the Outstanding Vocal Artist" award for her performance in “the March Third Folk Music & Art Festival” in the China-ASEAN Exposition (CAEXPO) conducted in Guangxi, one of the major cultural events in Southeast Asia. Part of her performance was recorded on cassettes and CDs by the Guangxi Musical and Video Studio and achieved remarkable marketing successes and awareness. She also served as judge in the finals competitions of the “the 2005 Miss Globe” in Guangxi-China and “the 2008 North America King of Karaoke Singing Championships, Eastern US Division”. Ms. Zeng currently teaches vocal classes in Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture and Newton Chinese Language School in Massachusetts.

Since the foundation of BCMA, Ms. Zeng participated and performed in numerous concerts hosted by the BCMA and other art events. She will perform as soloist in BCMA’s “The Sound of China: Music from the Dream of the Red Chamber” and sing two songs in this show, Handkerchief Melody (题帕诗) and the Tragic Story of Xiang Ling (叹香菱).  In addition, she serves as vocal coach for the BCMA chorus.

Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协人物 - 大提琴新秀朱乐诚

音协乐团人物介绍 -- 大提琴新秀朱乐诚  
朱乐诚,是 Concord-Carlisle 高中弦乐团的首席大提琴和波士顿青年交响乐团 (BYSO)    和Lexington 室内乐团弦乐四重奏成员。他先后师从缅因州波特兰乐团的大提琴演奏家Barbara Paschke,和波士顿芭蕾舞团的首席大提琴(也是 Boston    Pops 成员)Ron Lowry 学习大提琴演奏已达七年之久。


Biography of Jeffrey Zhu

Jeffrey Zhu, is the principal cellist at Concord-Carlisle High School (CCHS), a member of the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras (BYSO), and also a member    of the Lexington String Quartet.        
He has been studying the cello for seven years, under the tutelage of Barbara Paschke, a    cellist of the Portland Symphony Orchestra; and Ron Lowry,  the principal cellist of the Boston Ballet and a cellist of the Boston Pops.
He is excited to participate in the Chinese traditional music concerts  with  the  Boston  Chinese Musician Association,  learning  to  integrate  cello performances into Chinese Folk Music.

Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协人物 - 大提琴新秀朱乐诚

音协乐团人物介绍 -- 大提琴新秀刘义诚
刘义诚,现在是 Sharon 中学乐团的大提琴独奏演员,同时也是学校钢琴三人组的成员。刘义诚四岁半开始学习大提琴,先后跟随    Preucile 音乐学校的 Lawra Shaw 老师,和新英格兰音乐学院附属音乐学校的 Nancy Hair 老师学习大提琴演奏; 现在拜波士顿音乐学院室内乐教授 Andrew Mark 为师。
刘义诚学习大提琴期间,参加了很多乐团和室内乐队的演奏。他在麻州音乐教育协会东南地区初中组任首席大提琴;是波士顿青年交响乐团的大提琴演奏员,还是波士顿青年交响乐 JRO 室内乐团弦乐五重奏组成员。

这次他将在波士顿中国音乐家协会排演的 “泱泱国风-《红楼梦》全版主题歌曲音乐会”弦乐组中演奏大提琴。    

Eric Liu, is a cellist of the Sharon Middle School Orchestra, a cellist in his school Piano Trio. Eric Liu has been studying the cello for four and a half years. His teachers included with Laura Shaw, a teacher at Preucile School of Music, and Nancy Hair, a teacher at New England Conservatory Prep School.

Currently, under the tutelage of Andrew Mark, a professor of cello and chamber music at the Boston Conservatory. During his years of studying cello, Eric participated in various orchestras and chamber
music groups. He is the first cellist in the junior division of Massachusetts Music Educators Association (MMEA) Southeastern District, a member of the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra (BYSO), and a member of the BYSO Junior Repertoire Orchestra (JRO) String Quintet.  

He will play the cello in the program of ‘The Sounds of the China: A Dream of Red

Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协人物 - 青年钢琴演奏家李涵铮

音协乐团人物介绍 -- 青年钢琴演奏家李涵铮
李涵铮,钢琴硕士, 波士顿中国音乐家协会秘书。曾先后师从李未明、黄登辉、洪奕哲、李民铎、孙韵、Vivian Weilerstein、Victor Rosenbaum 教授。2008 年考入上海音乐学院,曾获牛恩德奖学金及人民奖学金;2012 年获新英格兰音乐学院、 曼哈顿音乐学院等五所顶尖音乐学院录取通知书及奖学金, 2014 年 5 月获新英格兰音乐学院钢琴硕士、荣誉毕业生(Academic Honor),及音乐教育领域资历认证(全校共 10 名,钢琴系唯一获得者)。此外,她还有 7 年的教学经验,曾担任新英格兰音乐学院助教,教授非钢琴专业大学生及研究生钢琴课,现任教于 EKS 音乐学校。
曾在鼓浪屿全国青少年钢琴比赛,奥得西国际钢琴比赛,美国国际弦乐和钢琴比赛中获奖。并在卡耐基音乐厅、 Horticultural 音乐厅、哈佛大学等地举办过多场音乐会。现在新英格兰音乐学院攻读钢琴艺术辅导 GD(等同演奏文凭)。将在波士顿中国音乐家协会排演的《红楼梦组曲》中演奏键盘。
Hanzheng Li, MM in Piano. Secretary of the Boston Chinese Musician Association.   

Studied with Vivian Weilerstein, Victor Rosenbaum; and in China, Weiming Li, Denghui Huang, Yizhe Hong, Minduo Li, and Yun Sun. Li graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where she was the recipient of People’s Scholarship and Ende Niu Scholarship. Li also  earned her Master’s  Degree  from New  England  Conservatory, distinguished with    Scholarship, Merit Awards and Academic Honors.  
With her extensive experience as a teaching assistant for the Piano Department, Li also holds a Music in-Education Concentration from New England Conservatory. 
Li has received numerous awards in national and international competitions including Gulangyu National     Piano Competition, International Keyboard Odyssiad Competition, American Protégé International Piano and Strings Competition. Her performance has been heard in Carnegie Hall, Horticultural Hall, an Harvard University.   

Currently, Li is  pursing Graduate Diploma at NEC and is also a teacher at EKS Music School. She    will play the keyboard in “The Sounds of the China: A Dream  of  Red Mansions”.    

Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会

音协乐团活动花絮 -- 《红楼梦》主题歌曲首次合乐,拉动售票和赞助的帷幕


当晚是音协乐团和合唱团的首次合乐,大部分成员于当晚时间6:30进入摩顿市525 Main St“符客华乐”校区活动室。在开排前20分钟,乐手们在一楼大厅紧张地进行调弦和摆位置;合唱团的歌手们在地下室大厅里作准备工作,有的在试服装,有的在练声开嗓,有的在交换练歌心得;义工黄晓云则忙于找各位乐手和歌手做排练签约;陈文君、刘小梅在安排和发放售票点的门票和大海报;热心推票的吴影老师、团员简建华、楼姗姗、赵宝玲,家长李纹诚和热心人士全美妇女协会会长黎雯等在签字领票,各方活动在有条不紊地进行着。



音协作为正式注册的非营利性文化机构,自2012年成立以来,虽然举办过多场音乐会和综合文艺晚会,但像这次完全由自己策划和卖票的演出还是第一次。由于经济基础薄弱,各项工作开展都有一定的难度,去年10月音协秘书长张婉哲&袁泉夫妇热心捐款支持音协开展活动;联合主办方波士顿亚州文化中心白宇主任表示“亚文将努力筹资,以最大的能力支持音协在美国传扬中国优秀的音乐作品”;中华表演基金会谭嘉陵老师对音协会长林湛涛先生说, 她非常高兴音协能够自己策划这次音乐会,表示将在经济上给予大力支持。符客华乐总裁符钰钏得知音协因经费问题无法请到一些低音乐器的高手参与演出,表示将提供专款解决这道难题。目前音乐会已经收到来自王庆&陈文君,胡红霞的个人赞助和唐人街京川酒家的广告赞助;为此,特请票友们注意:当你使用了音乐会门票后请千万不要丢弃,门票背后是京川酒家提供的优惠卷,你用它到京川酒家用餐,将享受$10的折扣。

如果您有兴趣向音乐会提供赞助, 请参考本文上方的赞助方案, 并联络音乐会组委会成员施志敏 (781-799-8083,;或音协理事、外联 部长王庆 (978-835-7729,;

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单位 地址 电话
波士顿唐人街龙凤酒家 Tyler St, Boston 617-426-4338
昆西龙凤酒楼 237 Quincy Ave., Quincy 617-773-9838
摩顿99超市内的“格好”日餐店 60 Broadway, Malden 781-305-2439
新东方超市 476 King St. Littleton, MA 857-928-3959
Sweet Thyme糕点店 476 King St. Littleton, MA 781-860-8818
扬子江餐厅 25 Depot Square, Lexington MA 978-729-6562
剑桥中文学校 Andover中文学校 文诚中文学校
Acton中文学校 世纪中文学校 全是福中文学校
Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会


音协人物 - 二胡新秀马睿婕/ Biography of Jessica Ma



除了二胡,马睿婕从五岁开始学习小提琴,现在师从新英格兰音乐学院的Fudeko Takahashi老师。她曾作为波士顿青少年乐团和新英格兰青少年乐团的成员参加过演出活动。她现在是莱克星顿中学管弦乐队的成员,先后参加了麻州音乐教育协会东北区少年组和青年组的演出。这次能参加音协的活动,能和各位艺术家们同台演出是马睿婕非常期待的事情,她将在波士顿中国音乐家协会排演的“泱泱国风-《红楼梦》全版主题歌曲音乐会”弦乐组中演奏二胡。

Biography of Jessica Ma

Jessica Ma is a freshman at Lexington High School. She has been studying erhu with Mr. Lin Zhantao for the past four years. She is also a member of Boston Erhu Ensemble (BEE), and performed with BEE in many places, including the Boston Children's Museum, Boston Public Library, Boston Dragon Festival, Harvard China Day and other schools, senior centers, churches and community centers. In 2012, as a BEE member she performed at the well-received BEE Spring Concert "Cloud Chasing the Moon" and received a team award from the “Youth Poetry in Silk and Bamboo” 7th Annual Chinese Music Instrument competition in 2014.

In addition to Erhu, Jessica started her violin study at the age of five, and is currently studying with Ms Fudeko Takahashi from New England Conservatory. Jessica was a member of large ensembles at BYSO and NEC. As a member of the Lexington Middle and High School Orchestras, she also performed at the junior and Senior District Festival Northeast Division of Massachusetts Music Educators Association.

Jessica is very much looking forward to performing with all the artists, and will play erhu in the upcoming concert “ The sound of China: Music from the Dream of the Red-Chamber”

Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会


音协人物--小提琴新秀朱汉娜/ Biography of Hannah Zhu




Biography of Hannah Zhu

Hannah Zhu, an artistic 7th grader in Sharon Middle School, started her violin journey when she was 9 in 4th grade. Her current teacher is Immei Wong.  She was playing the first violin in Sharon Middle School last year and currently playing the second in her school orchestra.  She is also a lead dancer in the Boston Folk Dancing Troupe, and an Award winner in drawing, won the Lion's Club Global Peace Poster Design contest for 33K district when she was 11.

Hannah cherishes the opportunity to participate the Boston Chinese Musician Association's show of “The Sounds of China: Music from the Dream of the Red Chamber”.  It is going to be a special memorable event when she is playing violin with other musicians on Chinese musical instruments, and on such classic Chinese musical master pieces.

Author: 波士顿中国音乐家协会


音协人物-琵琶演奏家甄若矛/ Biography of Kevin Zhen


甄若矛,前广東省音乐曲艺团琵琶独奏演員, 曾师从中央音乐学院著名琵琶演奏家王范地  、刘德海大师。在中国除担任乐团的业务工作外还热衷於少年教学事务,创办了吉他学校并任导師, 积累了丰富的教学经验;甄若矛尝试把西方乐器的演奏技巧运用在琵琶演奏上,把具有浓郁民族特色的《春江花月夜》、《彝族舞曲》等琵琶名曲用吉他来演奏, 使兩种乐器的特性混合一体, 取長补短, 丰富了乐器的表現力。甄若矛因刻苦钻研业务, 曾获首届岭南电视現場直播大奖赛一等奖,并被評為廣州市十大青少年艺术工作者, 派往东南亚及欧洲多个国家訪問演出。

自移居美國以來, 一直热心社区活动和宏扬中国文化,  开设传授琵琶, 吉他,  电子琴演奏技术的音乐班,  培养了不少的音乐爱好者;2013年甄若矛组织学生创办的“星乐队”,在波士顿华人社团庆典活动中已崭露头角。甄若矛还受邀代表纽约林肯中心參加丹麥举办的世界音乐节,席此机会他与世界各地艺术家们进行音乐文化交流,  深受好评与赞赏。


Biography of Kevin Zhen

Kevin Zhen, the fromer main Pipa (Lute) soloist of the Guangdong Music Ensemble. He had studied with two famous Pipa masters, Wang Fan Di and Liu De Hai at Central Conservatory of Music. Not only Zhen was a performer in the orchestra, he also taught in the Guangzhou Youth Club, where he accumulated wealth teaching experience. During the years in Guangzhou, Zhen had interactions with professional guitarists from all over the world. His performance is unique and expressive, because he applied guitar techniques into Pipa, and also strummed the guitar with the performance style of the Pipa. Despite the risk of playing in a nontraditional field, Zhen is proficient in two different instruments, Pipa and Guitar.

Due to his studiousness, Zhen has received an award of Guangzhou Talented Young Musical Artist and the first prize in the Lingnan Competition. At Zhen’s early age, he has performed over South-East Asia and Europe. After his moved to U.S, Zhen has performed at many grand events and taught numerous pupils to play the Pipa as well as the guitar and keyboard. Additionally, Zhen was invited as a representative of the New York Lincoln Center, performing in the Denmark World Music Festival,

Currently, Zhen is the founder of the Chinese Music Ensemble and Portfolio Minster of BCMA. In the past years, he had participated in several BCMA activities. In April 10, 2016, Zhen will play Pipa and keyboard in “The Sounds of the China: A Dream of Red Mansions”. In addition, Zheng has twenty years working experience of photography and graphic design. He was invited by BCMA and has designed poster, program, and PPT for the concert.

Author: 麦子

最近,大家都在说电影 《百鸟朝凤》 的一跪。一部小成本文艺片,票房低迷本不足怪,除了吴天明遗作这个点之外,似乎找不到其他什么来吸引观众的注意了。而吴天明老先生似乎也已经离观众远了很多年了,这既是他的电影回归之作,也是他的作别之作。市场从来就是势利和冷酷的,无奈之下,六旬制片人扑通一跪,恳求院线“给艺术电影一点空间。”没想到,一跪之下,票房立刻发生神奇逆转。是什么打动了观众?




















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